Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tip: Hey! there is always tomorrow

Ok! This tip is for free. Well they are all for free because this is my blog on the internet but that is besides the point. In high school, I started throwing discus and Olympic lifting at about the same time. For those of you who don't know this both recruit the same type of fast twitch muscle fibers. That means being fresh is always better and as soon as fatigue starts to set in your technique starts to set in you are screwed. That is where injuries start to accure. Where have I heard this before... CrossFit Cough! Cough! But lets not get into that right now. I would throw and if i was having a bad day all I would want to do is keep throwing to till it was better. My coach would have to lock the discuses up in the shed to prevent me from throwing till my arm fell off. Even then I had my own discuses to use. knowing what i know now, I was only hurting myself and not making anything better.
The same thing applies to weightlifting. If you are not having a good day and not making your numbers, if you keep trying it is only going to make things worse. My best advice would be to cut your losses and try again another day.

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