Thursday, February 21, 2013

Discussion: Keep moving forward.

The video above is a very serious and harsh reality in the world of Olympic weightlifting. We are taking alot of weight and putting it above our heads. The plan if things go accordingly, that we stand up with the bar when we are in (what weightlifters call) the "whole". Sometimes we dont stand up with it believe it or not. That is when things like the above happen. Yes, it hurts very very bad, and yes it scares you to think about the next time you go and grip the bar. What I can tell you though is that it wont stop the passionate lifter from performing the lift. Why? because we are mentally strong as well as physically. For years we have ground out reps of heavy weights in order to hopefully move up five pounds to improve our personal record. Giving up because of one little accident would be to throw away a lifetime of work and sacrifice.  Just like anything else in this crazy mixed up world, accidents can and do happen. Its not about how hard you can hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

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