Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tip: Get new shoes!

"Hey Zac! I like your shoes...not!" This is what happend to me with my first time training with Mark Cameron. Little did I know at the time that there were weightlifting shoes. I know now that they make a world of a difference but at the time I didn't know my ass from my elbow when it came to weightlifting.     He also told me that if i got anything other then Adidas  he would kick my ass. Out of spite I bought Nike. I'm just kidding about the spite thing. Weightlifting shoes are extremely expensive and for a good pair you are looking at $150 or maybe more. The reason I bought the Nike was because they were $30 cheaper. By buying a good pair of weightlifting shoes can greatly improve your lifts. Weightlifting shoes have raised heels which improve range of motions in the hips and shoulders. For weightlifters that is extremely important. In my personal opinion the five best lifting shoes are as followed.

1. Adidas Adistar
2. Nike Romaleos
3.Rogue Do Win
5.VS Athletics

Now, shoes 3-5 are great shoes for lifting, but Nike and Adidas have a monopoly over the world of weightlifting so naturally more people are going to lean toward those two brands of shoes. Also they tend to alot cheaper then the smaller shoes companies because the can mass produce them.

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