Thursday, February 21, 2013

Learn from a Pro: Mark Cameron

I would like to take this time to promote a close family friend of mine and master in the world of Olympic lifting. Mark Cameron a member of the 1976 and 1980 Olympic weightlifting team is putting on a learn to lift hands on seminar. I have had personal experience with Mark one on one and he took my lifts up 30 pounds in the course of an hour. When I say that he is a magician with athletes, I truely mean that he can work wonders with your technique. I have had friends who in my own opinion have had flawless form but as soon as mark saw them lift he had a list of the things that they were doing wrong simply by watching them lift once. Now, I know that it is a little short notice but if you are truely passionate about becoming a better lifter, which I know you are because you are reading this blog, I will see you at Ocean state CrossFit on sunday!

please disregard the fact that it is at a Crossfit facility, He was the one coach that I mentioned a couple post back. This man is the real deal. He has been deemed the title of "Strongest man in the free world".

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